Selected Publications and Reports of Richard G. Dudley (return to homepage )              updated: AUG 2024

Please feel free to request further information or copies of papers, or models, from the author.

The Changing Landscape of Open Access Publishing: Can Open Access Publishing Make the Scholarly World More Equitable and Productive?.  Dudley, R.G.  Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication, 9(General Issue), eP2345. .     also presented as: The changing landscape of open access publishing.  at the 37th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society. Albuquerque, New Mexico USA. 

Thinking about “land grabs”: Food security, food prices, and large-scale land acquisitions. Dudley, R.G., 2015. p.17.  See PDF.

Might Continued Emphasis on Maize at the Expense of More Drought Tolerant Crops Endanger Food Security in the Horn of Africa? 
Richard G. Dudley. 2011.  International System Dynamics Conference. Washington, DC. 12p.  See PDF file,  see preliminaryVensim model  (use right click + save as).

Strengthening Links Between Anthropologists and System Dynamicists: Participatory Group Modeling & Natural Resources.
International System Dynamics Conference. Washington DC. 19p. Carol J. Pierce Colfer and Richard G. Dudley. 2011.  ( see PDF file)

Photo Essay: Indonesia's Eastern Shores.  Richard G. Dudley. 2014.  Cornell Southeast Asia Spring 2014 E-Bulletin.    Or see this link.

Overview of System Dynamics Modeling, an introduction written for AEM/IARD 6180. Dudley RG. 2010. Cornell University. p 8.  (PDF)

Putri Naga Komodo / Komodo Collaborative Management Initiative Mid-Term External Review
Dudley, R. G. 2010. Report  prepared for Putri Naga Komodo a Joint Venture Company involved with the management of Komodo National Park, Indonesia.  36p.

A Little REDD Model to Quickly Compare Possible Baseline and Policy Scenarios for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation.  Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change 15(1):53-69 Dudley, R. G. 2010. (see PDF file) (see model use right click and  "save link as").      (Previously presented as"A Little REDD Model: Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation" at the 27th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society July 2009. Albuquerque , USA.) .

A Basis for Understanding Fishery Management Dynamics.
 Dudley, R. G. 2008.  System Dynamics Review (link) 24(1):1-28. (see PDF file).   Download Vensim model.   Download model equations.  Go to Vensim site to get free model reader or a free version of the software.   
(Note: Previous version presented as: A Basis for Understanding Fishery Management Complexities.  International System Dynamics Conference, New York City, July 20 - 24, 2003.)

Hope for Bohemian ecologists – comments on "A possible role of social activity to explain differences in publication output among ecologists?” by Tomáš Grim, Oikos 2008.  Sheil D, Wunder S, Jansen P, Bongers F, Dudley R. 2008. Web Ecology 8:103–105.  (link to pdf)

Simulating oil palm expansion requires credible approaches that address real issues.
Dudley, R. G. Sheil, D. Colfer, C. 2008.  (comment on paper)  Ecology and Society 13(1) [online] .   See original paper, and  authors' response to our comment.

Implicit Minimum Requirements for First Draft Models also Provide a Starting Point for Better Reviews, and Quality, of Academic Models.  Richard G. Dudley. 2008.  Unpublished manuscript.  ( link to pdf )

Forest Women, Health, and Childbearing. 2008 Carol J. Pierce Colfer, Richard G. Dudley and Robert Gardner,   In: Human health and forests: a global overview of issues, practice, and policy. London: Earthscan. p 113 - 134. (link to pdf)

Payments, penalties, payouts, and environmental ethic: A system dynamics examination.
 Dudley, R. G. 2007.  Sustainability: Science, Practice, Policy 3(2).  (PDF ).  Download the Vensim model (use "save link as") used in this paper or the model equations.   Go to Vensim site to get free model reader or a free version of the software.   (Earlier presented as: A generic look at  payments for environmental services, plan or scam?  at the 23rd International Conference of the System Dynamics Society July 17-20  2005. Boston, USA. 30p.)

The Equity Supply Chain: Is it the Cause of So Few Women in Management and Leadership Positions?  2007.  R. G. Dudley. Proceedings of the 27th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society. July 29 – August  2, 2007.  ISBN 978-0-9745329-8-1   (pdf )

Marine and coastal resource management.  Dudley, R. G. and Abdul Ghofar 2006.  Marine and Fisheries Sector Strategy Study (ADB TA 4551 - INO), Prepared by Uniconsult International Limited (UCIL), Jakarta. 74p +app. (see PDF file  -- note this version may not coincide with the official version).

The dynamic structure of social capital: How interpersonal connections create communitywide benefits.  Dudley, R. G. 2004.  A paper prepared for presentation at the 22nd International Conference of the System Dynamics Society July 25 – 29  2004. Oxford, UK. 16p + Figs. (see PDF file draft of 15 March 04)

Modeling the Effects of a Log Export Ban in Indonesia. Dudley, R. G. 2004.  System Dynamics Review 20: 99-116.   (PDF, Model, zipped model with support files) (Vensim model also available directly from : )  (click here for draft version of the paper).   Also presented at the 2002 International Conference of the System Dynamics Society,  July 28 - August 1, 2002, Palermo, Italy..  as: A preliminary application  of system dynamics modeling to the question of a log export ban for Indonesia with comments on illegal logging.  

A System Dynamics Examination of the: Willingness of Villagers to Engage in Illegal Logging.  Dudley, R. G.  2004 . Journal of Sustainable Forestry 19(1): 31-53.  Co-published in Illegal Logging in the Tropics:  Strategies for Cutting Crime.  Ravenel, R.M., I.M.E. Granoff, and C.A. Magee, eds. Haworth Press.   Originally presented at: Illegal Logging in the Tropics:  The Ecology, Economics and Politics of Resource Misuse.  New Haven, March 29 30, 2002. (see  PDF file ).

Are International Development Projects Unfair to Local Staff?  Dynamics of the Dual Salary Scale Question.  Dudley, R. G.  2003.  2003 International System Dynamics Conference, to be held in New York City, July 20 - 24, 2003.  (see PDF file - draft of 12 May 03)

Fisheries decision making and management failure: Better answers require better questions. Dudley, R. G. 2003. manuscript. 22p. (PDF file)

Summary of research needs related to the control of illegal logging in Indonesia based on interview and workshop discussions with stakeholders.  2001.  Dudley, R. G., Subarudi, Joyotee Smith   Report prepared for CIFOR (November 2001).  (see PDF file )

Dynamics of Illegal Logging in Indonesia.  Dudley, R. G. 2001.  Chapter 16 in: Colfer, Carol J. Pierce, and Ida Aju Pradnja Resosudarmo, Editors. 2001.  Which way forward?  Forests, People and Policymaking in Indonesia.  RFF. Washington, D. C.   (Revised version of The Changing Dynamics of Illegal Logging in Indonesia: An Initial Investigation prepared for presentation at the Nineteenth International Conference of the System Dynamics Society.  July 23-27, 2001. Atlanta, Georgia, USA.)   See PDF file of revised version or abstract .

The Fishery of the Danau Sentarum Wildlife Reserve. Dudley, R. G. 2000.  Borneo Research Bulletin 31:261-306. (link to Journal Issue or PDF)    -- See also earlier draft  of 41 pages including better tables and figures available as a PDF file or see  Abstract.

    Understanding patterns of resource use and consumption:a prelude to co-management. Colfer, C.J. Pierce, A. Salim, R.L. Wadley & R.G. Dudley.  2000. Borneo Research Bulletin 31:29-88.

    Segara Anakan Fisheries Management Plan. Dudley, R. G.  November 2000.  33p. Available as PDF file (does not include appendicies).

    Summary of Data concerning the Coastal Shrimp Fishery of the Cilacap Area, southern Java, Indonesia.  Dudley, R. G.  2000. (22 figures and captions only) Available as a PDF file .

    Summary of data related to Segara Anakan fish and shrimp catches. Dudley, R. G.  2000. 12p. (15 figures and captions only) Available as a PDF file .

    The Rotten Mango: The Effect of Corruption on International Development Projects. Part 1: Building a System Dynamics Basis for Examining Corruption.  Prepared for presentation at the Eighteenth International Conference of the System Dynamics Society "Sustainability in the Third Millennium".  August 6-10, 2000. Bergen, Norway.  Available as a PDF file .

    A Simple Example of How System Dynamics Modeling Can Clarify, and Improve Discussion and Modification, of Model Structure. Dudley, R. G. and C. S. Soderquist.  Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the American Fishery Society.   Charlotte, North Carolina. July 1999.  See text or presentation slides as PDF file.

    Guidelines for Developing, Testing & Selecting Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management: A C&I Developer's Reference. Ravi Prabhu, Carol J. P. Colfer and Richard G. Dudley. 1999. No. 1 in the Criteria and Indictors Toolbox Series. Published by the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR). (Introduction ) Information available from the CIFOR web site

    Fisheries Management in a Borneo Wildlife Reserve: Danau Sentarum Wildlife Reserve, West Kalimantan, Indonesia. Dudley, R. G. 1997. Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the American Fishery Society.  Monterey, California. August 1997.

    The Fishery of the Danau Sentarum Wildlife Reserve, West Kalimantan, Indonesia: Management Considerations. Dudley, R. G. 1996. Report prepared for the ODA Tropical Forest Management Programme, Project 5: Conservation. 27p. (Note: use above draft report of 1 Feb 98).

    The Fishery of the Danau Sentarum Wildlife Reserve, West Kalimantan, Indonesia: Fishery Analysis. Dudley, R. G. 1996. Report prepared for the ODA Tropical Forest Management Programme, Project 5: Conservation. 25 p. + 113p tables and figs.  (Note: use above draft report of 1 Feb 98).

    Final Report - Team Leader: Consultants Activities. Marine Science Education Project. Dudley, R. G. 1995. Ministry of Education and Culture, Directorate General of Higher Education in cooperation with Lavalin International, IDP Education Australia and P. T. Hasfarm Dian Consultan. ADB Loan No. 894-INO/895-INO SF. 64p + app. ( pdf of submitted version )

    Third World Fisheries: Who Cares? Dudley, R. G. 1994. Fisheries 19(6):6-11. (see  abstract ) Also available as a PDF file

    Shifting Cultivators of Indonesia: Marauders or Managers of the Forest. Rice Production and Forest Use Among the Uma’ Jalan of East Kalimantan. Colfer, Carol J. Pierce, with Richard G. Dudley (in cooperation with Herri Hadikusumah, Rusydi Niken Sakuntaladewi and Amblani). 1993. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Community Forestry Series. Number 6. 119p.

    Management of Indo-Pacific Spanish mackerel (Scomberomorus commerson) in Oman. Dudley, R. G., A. Prabhakar Aghanashinikar, and E. B. Brothers. 1992. Fisheries Research 15:17-43. ( download )

    Large Pelagics Final Report of the Contract for Technical Services for Staffing the Marine Science and Fisheries Center (Oman).  Dudley, R. G. 1990. Omani-American Joint Commission Project Number 272-0101.1-1. 33p + tab., fig. and appen.  ( download - 7MB)

    Oman's large pelagic species: management and research considerations. Dudley, R. G. 1989. Report of the Third Southeast Asian Tuna Conference, Bali Indonesia 22-24 August 1989.

    Growth and Population Characteristics of Scomberomorus commerson in Oman based on length data. Dudley, R. G. and Arundhati Prabhaker Aghanashiniker. 1989. Report of the Workshop on Tunas and Seerfishes in the Arabian Sea Region. Indopacific Tuna Program Workshop. Muscat, Oman. February 1989.

    The fisheries statistics system of Java, Indonesia: operational realities in a developing country. Dudley R. G. and Kenneth C. Harris. 1987. Aquaculture and Fisheries Management 18:365-374. (image based pdf file avaiable from author)

    Artisanal seine and liftnet fisheries of the north coast of Java. Dudley, R. G. and G. Tampubolon. 1986. Aquaculture and Fisheries Management. 17(3):167-184. ( pdf file )

    Mail order technical assistance: can it work? Dudley, R. G. 1986. Naga, the ICLARM Quarterly 9(3):16-17.

    The trammel net shrimp fishery of Java, Indonesia. Dudley, R. G. and G. Tampubolon. 1985. Oseanologi di Indonesia 19:41-56. (pdf file )

    Recommendations for the improved management of small scale marine fisheries of northern Java, Indonesia. Dudley, R. G. 1985. A final report to the Directorate General of Fisheries, Indonesia for the USAID Small Scale Fisheries Development Project. 90p. (pdf file).   Note: most material in this document also appears in other, later, publications). 

    Winter and altered spring movements of striped bass in the Savannah River, Georgia. Dudley, R. G. and T. G. McGahee. 1983. Fishery Bulletin 81(2):420-425.

Sniffin' Salmon”  Richard G Dudley, Oregon State University, and Bill Hastie, Oregon Department of Education. 1981. Pamphlet describing an activity for school children to learn about the role of smell in homing salmon.    Widely adopted and modified by schools in the northwestern United States.

    Changes in experimental gillnet catches from the Kafue River Floodplain, Zambia, since construction of the Kafue Gorge Dam.  J. Fish Biol. Dudley, R. G. and R. J. Scully. 1980. 16:521-537.

    Hypolimnial oxygen injection: a benefit to downstream fish populations? Dudley, R. G., R. D. Quintrell and G. S. Beisser. 1980. Environmental Biol. Fishes 5(3):235-242.

    Changes in Growth and size distribution of Sarotherodon macrochir and Sarotherodon andersoni from the Kafue Floodplain, Zambia, since construction of the Kafue Gorge Dam. Dudley, R. G. 1979. J. Fish Biol. 14:205-223.

    Distribution of striped bass eggs and larvae in the Savannah River Estuary. Dudley, R. G. and K. N. Black. 1978. Proc. Southeastern Assoc. of Fish and Wildlife Agencies. 32:561-570.

    Movements of adult striped bass (Morone saxatilis) in the Savannah River, Georgia. Dudley, R. G., A. W. Mullis, and J. W. Terrell. 1977. Trans. American Fishery Soc. 106(4):314-322.  ( pdf file )

    Status of major fishes of the Kafue Floodplain, Zambia five yrears after completion of the Kafue Gorge Dam.  Dudley, R. G.  1976.  Final Report Submitted to the National Science Foundation Scientists and Engineers in Economic Development Program.  Grant Number: OIP75-09239.  (PDF)

    Survival of largemouth bass embryos at low dissolved oxygen concentrations. Dudley, R. G., and A. W. Eipper. 1975. Trans. American Fish. Soc. 104(1):122-128.

    Growth of Tilapia of the Kafue Floodplain, Zambia: predicted effects of the Kafue Gorge Dam. Dudley, R. G. 1974. Trans. American Fish. Soc. 103(2):281-291.  

    Ecology of fishes in the kafue river.  Chapman, D.W., Miller, W.H., Dudley, R.G., Scully., R.J. 1971. A report prepared for the food and agriculture organization of the united nations. Fi: Sf/zam 11, tech. Rep. 2.  66 p. + figs.  (get scanned copy here)